Alfalfa Sprouts
Pea Shoots
Like eating fresh pea pods right out of the garden. A young pea shoots possess concentrated nutrition and blood cleansing properties. Like all sprouts, peas shoots are an excellent source of fibre. They have an attractive, frilly leaf that makes them great for garnish, wraps, and salads. Pea shoots are an excellent source of protein at 26%.
Broccoli Sprouts
Talalay's research team fed extracts of the sprouts to groups of 20 female rats for five days, and exposed them and a control group that had not received the extracts to a carcinogen, dimethylbenzanthracene. The rats that received the extracts developed fewer tumors, and those that did get tumors had smaller growths that took longer to develop.
Sunflower sprouts
Sunflower sprouts are rich in fats. This sunflower oil is our finest source of omega 6, germination of the sunflower sprout micellizes the fatty acids into an easily digestible, water soluble form saving our body the trouble of breaking it down and simultaneously protecting us against the perils of rancidity. This is a great bonus for a sprout that is already popular for its crispness and nutty flavor.
Radish Sprouts